Customer Success Story
KCGM Pty Ltd. (Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines) has its headquarters in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. The company owns a number of gold mines, including the Fimiston Open Pit (Super Pit) Mine and the Mt. Charlotte Underground Mine. Together, they produce 850 000 ounces (approximately 26 350 kg) of gold every year. Mining is undertaken 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What's Special
Sliding sleeve housings are a long-lived, field-proven machine element for large rock and ore crushing machines. This design principle has been especially designed for these applications and can be used universally for these machines.
Technical Information
Technical Information about the Plant
Machine: Tube mill (SAG mill) for ore processing in gold mine
Length: 7 000 mm
Diameter: 4 700 mm
Drive power: 3 000 kW
Speed: 14 U/min
Load acting on locating bearing: 1 600 kN
Load acting on floating bearing: 1 800 kN
Technical Information about the Solution
Sliding Sleeve housing
Locating and floating bearings: FAG spherical roller bearing 249/1180