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Plummer block housing
Split plummer block housing for various bearing designs. The SNV series will be replaced by the new SES series in 2022.
Product information

Main Dimensions & Performance Data
D | 180 mm | Outside diameter bearing |
a | 380 mm | Length base |
h1 | 223 mm | Height |
g | 160 mm | Width housing body |
≈m | 18,494 kg | Weight |
b | 110 mm | Width base |
c | 40 mm | Height base |
h | 112 mm | Base to shaft centerline height |
m | 320 mm | Distance fixing bore |
s | 22,225 mm | Screw size |
s | M24 | Size of fixing screws |
u | 26 mm | Width slot |
v | 32 mm | Length slot |
g3 | 16 mm | Wall thickness |
The technical dimensions for this product are taken from different dimensional systems, the conversion to the other dimensional system [blue color] is without guarantee.